You are Reading my Blog. Welcome!
Well, welcome to my blog. I really don't have much else to say. I just do this because sometimes I have WAY too much time on my hands. Well, you can read the Random Story or go to my friend's blogs here: Mythical World, I M Eve, Life of a Bookworm, Fiery Pigs DO fly, Maxellion's Blog. And here are my brothers': The Vortex, Typer's Twilight. And here is my sister's: Free Writer. And here is the link to my other blog: The force of chao. Well, that's about it here. I really don't see why your reading about my life but hey, it's your time.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Grandma's going to Read a Random Story now
So....... Puddle and people decided to go back to earth to get new rifles and stuff. when they got back to earth, they didn't know were the heck they were, and everyone was being weird. Then, a person came and said, "come to the arcade, and you get $100000000.oo free!" Puddles looked at Puddle, who shrugged. "why not?" When they walked in, everyone gasped. The arcade was amazing! It had indoor skydiving, a movie theater, and a bunch of other stuff! Then it blew up. "Drat" said smily. Then, they saw a hobo, and he said: " Hi! I'm Snorkinberkin!"
Thursday, February 26, 2009
do you want a sandwhic- question?
IF...... you were a vampire, you were dying because of garlic, and you had a blood pie and a fork, what would you do?
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Vampires! Yay!

So, My friend, Puddles, thinks I'm a vampire which is totally incorrect. so, on that matter, I will do a * Drum Roll * WHOLE POST ON VAMPIRES! now, vampires can:
1. float
2. suck blood ( duh! )
3. Run really fast
4. read minds
5. put thoughts in others minds
6. have control on who they bite
7. be awesome
Now, that was fun wasn't it?
Saturday, February 21, 2009
More Foopets
Okay, I just found out this morning that now the now cost like, three dollers an hour, so, don't go to this website. this is a very, very short post, I'm sorry, but I have to go.
Friday, February 20, 2009
WEEEEEE!!! Random Story
Oooookkkkaayyyy.......Story Time
Then, as they were falling,they landed on another magic carpet. Obama looked at them." I have to say stuff. Now, Cheese, you are promoted to the rank of a Puddle, You're new name will be Puddle." "Oke-day" said Puddle. Obama them said " The armies have taken care of the bunnies from the planet arksnorfalten, now you must look for the long lost puddle of snorkinberkin." Then, a cow came and Obama mounted it and it flew away.
Then, as they were falling,they landed on another magic carpet. Obama looked at them." I have to say stuff. Now, Cheese, you are promoted to the rank of a Puddle, You're new name will be Puddle." "Oke-day" said Puddle. Obama them said " The armies have taken care of the bunnies from the planet arksnorfalten, now you must look for the long lost puddle of snorkinberkin." Then, a cow came and Obama mounted it and it flew away.
Friday, February 6, 2009
May I Have a Random Story?
The ride to the Bunnies Planet was a 1 day fly, even though it was 100 miles away ( magic Carpets are very slow) then, in the middle of their journey, Santa fell out of space?!?! Santa was wearing a tux, with his under pants on in front of his pants, and his hair was in a french bun. smiley got a lighting bolt (don't ask questions) then jumped of of the magic carpet, ( Not a smart guy, is he?) and zapped Santa. Then, as they were passing a Meteorite, Smiley and Santa fell on it. then the magic carpet disintegrated.
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