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Well, welcome to my blog. I really don't have much else to say. I just do this because sometimes I have WAY too much time on my hands. Well, you can read the Random Story or go to my friend's blogs here: Mythical World, I M Eve, Life of a Bookworm, Fiery Pigs DO fly, Maxellion's Blog. And here are my brothers': The Vortex, Typer's Twilight. And here is my sister's: Free Writer. And here is the link to my other blog: The force of chao. Well, that's about it here. I really don't see why your reading about my life but hey, it's your time.

Friday, February 20, 2009

WEEEEEE!!! Random Story

Oooookkkkaayyyy.......Story Time
Then, as they were falling,they landed on another magic carpet. Obama looked at them." I have to say stuff. Now, Cheese, you are promoted to the rank of a Puddle, You're new name will be Puddle." "Oke-day" said Puddle. Obama them said " The armies have taken care of the bunnies from the planet arksnorfalten, now you must look for the long lost puddle of snorkinberkin." Then, a cow came and Obama mounted it and it flew away.


Anonymous said...

Weiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiird WHy ARKSNORFALTEN!!!!!

Awesomeness DJ said...
