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Well, welcome to my blog. I really don't have much else to say. I just do this because sometimes I have WAY too much time on my hands. Well, you can read the Random Story or go to my friend's blogs here: Mythical World, I M Eve, Life of a Bookworm, Fiery Pigs DO fly, Maxellion's Blog. And here are my brothers': The Vortex, Typer's Twilight. And here is my sister's: Free Writer. And here is the link to my other blog: The force of chao. Well, that's about it here. I really don't see why your reading about my life but hey, it's your time.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Random Story of Awesomeness

"EA Anime?" said Fang "Isn't that a really WEIRD name?" "Ah shuddup!" said Anime, taking out a pencil and drawing a mustache on Fang's face. (That actually turned into a real 'stache) "I have the power to use this pencil, and some other utensils, to draw anything in the world, and it comes to life." then, a rainbow came and landed RIGHT on Anime's pencil. "Thank you!" said smiley pleasantly as he rode the rainbow and swiped the pencil. Of course, the rainbow vanished, as the pencil was holding it up. Then, some griffins flew over and picked up smiley, the pencil, and "CRACKERS!" said Creeper as Crackers was carried away. "Let's go after Crackers!" said Creeper "NO!" said Puddles "We need to go back to snorkinberkin and see if he figured out where the lost puddle is!" Then, Puddle stepped up and said: "I think we might need to split up." "Split up!" said Fang "Well, it's the only way we can do both at once." So this is how it turned out:
Creeper went with Fang and Obama
and Puddle's group was: Puddle, Puddles, and Anime
"Okay, lets move out!"


Evie said...

yey i actually SPEAK in this post :D

Awesomeness DJ said...

Good for you.

Evie said...

you should post a pic of shantz-fang with his mustache.

Awesomeness DJ said...

...... GREAT IDEA!!!!