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Friday, February 26, 2010

Character Profiles: Fang and Anime

FANG: Fang, or as he was called in the beginning of of the story, X striker, is a vampire, with the ability to hover (No, he can't actually fly), run pretty fast, control time(This is limited.) and slight mind powers. (Note: these are very limited.) He is best friends with Puddle and Anime.
Gender: Male.
Hair color: A light brownish blond color.
Age: 11-12
Weapon of choice: Fang usually uses his power of time, and a sword.
Build: Taller than Puddle and Anime, but not as tall as Puddles, about 4"11.
Weight: Fang weighs about 70ish pounds.
Choice of clothes: Fang likes to dress in all black, like Puddle. Fang is actually more goth then Puddle is, (Puddle is not that goth, come to think of it. He still likes dark clothes.) but he is not all out goth. (Dark eyeliner, Wishing the world would explode, etc.)
Build: Slender.
Likes: Tacos, Maximum Ride, Puddle, Anime (In that friend sort of way, not lovers.), the Puddles X team (That is the name of the group.)
Dislikes: Bots, Barney, smiley, anything that will not explode.

Anime: Anime is the shortest of the group, but not the youngest. (I'm lookin' at YOU, Jeremy!) She has the power to make her drawing turn into real 3-D objects. She doesn't need paper, she can kind of draw on the air, ya'know? She had an emergency pencil in case her powers got disabled, but that was taken by smiley.
Gender: Female
Hair color: I think it is mostly brown, but if you look then you can see lots of blond.
Age: The same as most of the group, 11-12.
Build. Short, about 4"3
weight: 50 pounds, roughly.
Choice of clothes: She either wheres a whit shirt with reddish in places and a skirt type thingamajig. (Eve told me this once, but I forgot the name.) Or, jeans with a pink shirt with a heart on it. Inside the heart is a picture of a pencil.
Build: Short, but thin.
Likes: Her pencil she always has on her ear, Drawing, doodling, painting, etching, magic markering, etc.
Dislikes: Bots, having her pencil taken away.


Emily said...

cool! are you going to do everyone else to?

R! said...

very nic and xtreemly helpful. thnx! :)


Awesomeness DJ said...

Emily: I already did me and smiley. I plan to make more.

Emily said...

wow r another mistake you did nic insted of nice.

Emily said...

it is called a japenese school uniform. i also like japenese blueberry candy that my friend Jessica gives me. yuuuuuuuuuuuuum
and i am only four foot 2. YOU WERE OFF BY AN INCH! and also, if fang liked me,(in the love way, bleah) that would be all wrong. what would tamy do? this is IIVU, mind you.

The Jedi Masters said...

this is shantz im at my cousins house but josh the force of chao you need to change the background back to normal because i cant read a thing on it

Awesomeness DJ said...

k shantz I'll change it.